Sunday, November 8, 2009

Obama Signs Tax Credit & Expansion

Tax Credit Passes! You did it OKCMAR!

A Message from NAR President Charles.....

You did it. You’ve succeeded in achieving a huge victory for real estate. Congress heard you on the need to both extend and expand the homebuyer tax credit to continue stimulating the housing sector of the economy. The Senate voted 98-0 on Wednesday and yesterday the House voted 403-12 on legislation that includes the extension and expansion of the credit. President Obama is expected to sign the legislation, perhaps as early as today.

Thank you for making this victory happen. Your letters in response to our Call for Action made a very big difference, as did the thousands of REALTOR® phone calls, visits by Federal Political Coordinators—all members of NAR—in getting this legislation passed. This is a great victory for the economy, for homebuyers, and for all of you in real estate. You made your case to Congress. We deeply appreciate your commitment and involvement on this issue and trust your continued support will follow in the weeks ahead on all our future Calls for Action.

More information on the tax credit and what it means to you please visit the REALTOR Action Center!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

KUDOS to the RPIC Committee

Great News OKCMAR! Your legislative RPIC (REALTORS Political Involvement Committee) Committee has secured $10,000 from the state association to support MAPS. Your state association, OAR, sets aside funds each year to assist local associations in issues mobilization (in plainspeak- promoting good laws that benefit homeowners and REALTORS or defeating bad laws that seek to strip property owners of their current rights or results in harm to the real estate industry). These funds are given very judiciously and their use should impact all Oklahoma REALTORS.

MAPS is a great example of how economic development in the heart of our capital city can impact our entire state through dollars and visitors brought into our state. This legislation will ripple through all of Oklahoma and will not only maintain our vibrant real estate industry but open up even more opportunities for growth in both the commercial and residential segments.

A special thank you to RPIC Chair, Lorna Koeninger, of Paradigm Realty, whose passionate and informed testimony in front of the state committee secured the maximum available funding. Thank you Lorna on behalf of all of OKCMAR and the OKC REALTOR citizens!

Seats at the Table

OKCMAR you should be proud! This week I got the news that OKCMAR will fill three seats on the National Association of REALTORS 2010 committees. Now, OKC will have an active voice in the national leadership that defines us all. Mike Cassidy, of Paradigm Realty, has been selected to serve on the national Land Use & Private Property Rights Committee. Bart Binning of Prudential Alliance Real Estate has been selected to serve on the national REALTORS Commercial Alliance Committee and I, Dawn Kennedy, will be a member of the AE group.

When one joins the local association there is an opportunity to be a part of a national force that affects policy and legislation for our society as a whole. No more is this proven than when our association is asked to have a seat at the table and be a voice in national policy. This is only accomplished through dedicated leadership,vision and the member committment to the growth and development of a local association. Your efforts have been recognized!

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